june 29 july 25 go back


intended for detailed information on major updates

JUNE 29, 2024

hi lol... (dusts off my site page)

Didnt mean to disappear like that oops. School really took up all my time and i barely had any energy to do anything after classes, much less for coding so.. Once again, I revamped everything from scratch because im crazy like that. New site name too! goodbye chromatics, you will always be dear to me. I chose seresa as the new site name as a little homage to cherry by rina sawayama, one of my fave songs. I think it better suits the current feel my site has right now too. Anyway, doing everything took me around 3 weeks of on and off coding, and im quite happy with how everything looks. I hope no one inspects my code however I kinda just did what works, I'm sure there are better ways to code certain parts than what I did..
As of this update, all links on the navigation page are accessible and the only existing link I havent worked on is my Irene shrine. Im gonna try and plan out all the future pages I want for my site and finish them before school starts again in a month in case a repeat of last year happens again. Considering that, I probably will only have two or three pages that would need updating such as the journal page and maybeeeee a media log or music page. I dont know! We'll see what the future holds.

New pages: Quotes page and Asa Mitaka shrine

JULY 25, 2023

Woah newsletter is so up... As said in the update log, I lost the 'redo your entire site' battle. I really didn't like my previous layouts, they didnt feel like they were made by Me. I think I got too influenced by other peoples websites before.. I was scared of making a layout that wouldn't look 'good' so I'd reference a bunch of different pages that were aesthetically pleasing to me even if they weren't what I really wanted. So, for all the new pages I made, I tried to stick to just one or two references or just let my creativity flow.

I'm quite satisfied with how everything looks now. I didn't stick to a uniform color palette or layout and it feels great not being restricted like that, I have way too many 'aesthetics' to just stick to one :P I actually remade all the pages from scratch except for the links page within 2 days (jul 15-16), I think I got possessed by some sort of coding god.. I didn't update my site after that though because I wanted to upload everything in one go.

New pages I made are: the Microblog, Gwenpool shrine, and this Newsletter + Purpose page.