Media Log

Reviews of what I watch/read go here! They wont be well-written or very detailed because im not very good at expressing my thoughts and english isnt my first language :3
I'll try my best to not mention spoilers unless I deem it necessary, just hover over them like so to read. go back?


Started: July 17
Finished: July 19

Good show! i didnt enjoy it much at first because i was hoping for a short series that would jump right into the zombie action but i did end up enjoying the story around episode 2. Lots of politics and power play, it was very fast paced and packed with tension I was seriously hooked. Of course, the zombie action parts did not dissapoint at all, kshows always nail these, it was bloody and quite brutal and even those scenes were shot really nicely. Characters were good too, they were likeable and the others absolutely insufferable. I cant count the amount of times I sighed heavily over the antagonists lol they seriously got on my nerve. I really liked the dynamic between the crown prince and his guard, I wish there were more light hearted moments between them. This was a really good short watch and definitely rewatch worthy :)

I also watched the prequel Ashin of the North so i'll just include my short review of that here too. I liked the story premise but it was way too dragging. I feel like the whole story could have been told much quicker or they could have done much more in the first half of the movie. However it tied to the main story really well and even showed unseen properties/characteristics of the zombies which was interesting. Ashin didnt have much lines in this movie and yet I could still deeply feel for her, Gianna Jun was so goated in this. Real aura right there i hope we get to see a lot more of her if there will be a s3

Sadistic Beauty: Side Story A

Started: July 15
Finished: July 15

Short but amazing nsfw yuri... Love this so much. I really did not expect to enjoy a smut manhwa so much, I wish it was longer than 17 chapters. Jooyeon is so cute shes so my type irl I love silly beautiful women!! I linger on her panels too long because shes so endearing.. Both leads are very sweet to each other and theyre so respectful of each others wishes. I havent read the main story of this and I never plan to, I'm content with my safe, healthy, consensual smut story. Was nice to see proper communication too like yayyy no long, unnecessary misunderstandings! Art was amazing too i loveeee the facial expressions so much. I think everything about this story was on point, both in humor and spice. 100/10

Dungeon Meshi

Started: May 28
Finished: June 26

WAOOWWWWW!!!! i dont even have anything bad to say this is PEAK to me!!! Just an all around great story and great food. The worldbuilding, characters, and the comedy is all #PEAK and #GOATED. I love me some good fantasy. I might be flaming them a little much here but dungeon meshi really was just so fun to watch. Despite being comedic most of the time, they still pulled off the darker moments really well without making it feel like a stretch. The main characters have really cute dynamics to me I love how familial they feel at times...None of them felt too dramatic or too plain, they all serve their purpose in the group and in the story. It was paced well too, I could tell it was building up to something very interesting towards the middle and I'm very excited to see where the story goes as of finishing the anime. To no ones surprise my favorite characters are the Touden siblings, Marcille, and Senshi they are all just so silly.. I havent read the manga yet as of now so my review is still incomplete. Watch dungeon meshi you will not regret it !!!!!!

The Apothecary Diaries

Started: May 31
Finished: June 3

Was a very interesting watch!! Maomao, the MC, is such a silly crazy girl her love for poision is so entertaining. I like the setting of the show, its really good for a mystery show honestly. Hence why none of the cases felt Too dramatized for me because I think they genuinely wouldve happened considering the environment and situations. I like that it doesnt always feel like everything is resolved even if a certain case is finished within one episode, theres still an overarching case looming which hooked me to keep watching. Despite being a mystery anime, it still has a decent amount of comedy and those didnt feel out of place either, so thats another good thing about this. I like how the characters are all connected in a complex way too, its super interesting to see how their ties to each other are slowly unravelled. My favorites of this anime are the Three Princesses, I love whenever they come on screen because of their familial dynamics with Maomao, its endearing to me. Overall, this anime was definitely worth the watch i recommend it :thumbs up:

The Chosen

Started: May 30
Finished: June 1

This is what I'd truly call a series I started on a whim. I got hit by some random religious feelings because of sheer summer boredom so. yeah. Anyway! This was actually really nice I didn't expect to enjoy a series about Jesus so much. Though I've only seen the first season so far, Im still giving it a high rating because it was genuinely enjoyable to me. Really reminded me that Jesus was human. He was so fun in this like why is he out here speaking in riddles nejnjsenj. My favorite moments were after he performed a miracle and he would just shrug or smile like ohh okay he knew he ate that up LAWL!!! Its fun watching it too because I already know all the miracles hes performing, and every time people are like doubting him and going "Shut up you cant do all that youre not the rabbi" he just proves them wrong. So entertaining like exactlyyyy thats the #real goat!!! Overall a very healing watch to people like me with some religious trauma :thumbs up: Love Jesus but not so much for Christianism XD

If You Could See the Sun

Started: April 19
Finished: April 19

Ooooh this was a fun read.. I picked this book up on a whim because I was craving a story set in highschool and I was satisfied with this book. The premise is really interesting and it went in a totally different direction than I expected, which was a pleasant surprise. Love dunking on rich people its never wrong! The pacing of events was a little too fast and short for me, I didnt fully feel the relationships in the book because of it. The ML felt robotic too with how formally he spoke it kinda threw me off like no high schooler speaks like that even if they are super mega rich... Also didnt really feel the academic rivals part aside from the very beginning and some parts sprinkled around the book, would have loved it if that was emphasized more. I would have given this 3 stars but the real highlight of the book which made me bump it up to 3.5 stars is the MC, Alice. She is actually ME!!!! Majority of the struggles and feelings she faces are things I have faced too as someone with literally the same situation shes in (middle class scholar in a prestigious school) and it made me resonate with her so much. Her desperation to stay in Airington, the pressure shes facing as a scholar and as a student achiever, and how she has so many desires but has to surpress them because its not the 'realistic' path.. just classic asian student moments and they were portrayed nicely here. TL;DR started the book for some cute romance but got hit with the asian student struggles beam instead. Amazing

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Started: March 25
Finished: March 27

I think you should read this without bringing big expectations. Dont get me wrong I enjoyed this book a lot but it didn't really live up to its hype to me. Nevertheless, I dont regret reading this book. The book did a good job in making me feel like I was really in vintage Hollywood, I enjoyed Evelyn as an MC so much shes so Real to me. I also liked the overall storyline and plot of this book, its mostly the storytelling that brought my rating down..I really dont know how to talk about this book without spoiling so please dont read the rest if you really dont want to read any sort of spoilers :3

First, the main event: Evelyn and Celia. girl where do i even start... theyre so crazy i was just stressed over them the entire time man. there was like 3 chapters where they were healthy and happy and the rest was mostly toxic. i enjoyed it though lol!!! Both of them drop a lot of banger quotes to each other that really had me clenching my fist i love these two actually. I cant dislike them for the things theyve done to each other because a lot of their actions were driven because of society and their place in it as not only gay lovers but also celebrities. They both have their flaws and it was both Painful and interesting to see how these flaws led to how their relationship fluctuated over the years. Its quite heart wrenching to think about these two actually because they lost so much time with each other despite only wanting to be with each other and love freely. I wonder how they could have been if the circumstances were different.

Now my #REAL favorite thing about this book is Evelyn and Harry. Their friendship is just so special to me raaaaaggggjjjhhh i love the way they care for each other... Its quite funny that they had a healthier relationship than Evelyn and Celia. The mutual understanding, support, and respect they had for each other that lasted until their dying breaths FAWWWWKKKK i love found family so much... everything else i can say about them are MAJOR spoilers so i'll just keep it to myself u___u Evelyn and Harry you truly moved my mountains


Watched: January 11

Wow!!! This movie made me nationalistic for a good 2 hours. I honestly wouldn't be surprised if schools made it mandatory for students to watch this film. It was pretty well-paced considering how much history they covered, and the main characters really nailed their performances. Even though I've known the story of GomBurZa since elementary, this film really made their impact and struggle more felt to me. I'll just be singing praises about every scene if I could but it'll all just be me saying "they nailed this" over and over again. The film as a whole was just amazing I dont have too much to say about it because to me its a movie that you just feel as a Filipino. Every emotion was conveyed wonderfully, and theres no doubt that the story of the injustices and oppression that the Filipinos faced was conveyed well. One line that struck me (and for sure many others) was, "Bakit nga ba ang malas ng Pilipinas?" which translates to "Why is the Philippines so unlucky?". There were more lines about the bad luck of the Philippines too and RAGGHHHH it seriously gave me goosebumps like wowwww... such a simple dialogue and yet a history over 300 years of colonization from the Spanish gives it an enormous weight.
Their set and costume designs were great too, very realistic. My only complaint of this movie is how Padre Zamora had less of a role than the other two priests and his character wasn't fleshed out as well too. In short you know this is a banger movie because it had everyone leaving the theater being proud to be Filipino lol