Puella Magi Madoka Magica (魔法少女まどか☆マギカ), also known simply as Madoka Magica, is a Japanese anime television series created by Magica Quartet; and animated by Shaft. The story follows a group of middle school girls, led by protagonist Madoka Kaname, who make supernatural contracts to become magical girls. In battling surreal enemies known as "witches", they learn of the anguish and peril associated with their new roles.

AGGGHHHH Madoka Magica makes me so crazy ^___^ ... I first watched it in 2021 since i only started watching anime during quarantine and it truly moved my mountains and oceans. I know its a popular anime so I wont go into much detail about the plot and events; instead I'll write about my three favorite things from it: (1) HomuMado (2) the OSTS (3) the visuals.

1.) HomuMado

My completely normal, well-adjusted protags.. I think everyone who has ever watched mado magi loves these two as well, but theyre important to me because it was maybe the first time i saw raw love be portrayed so appealingly to me in anime. added with the fact that i watched it at a very lonely time in my life, everything that conspired between these two hit quite deeply. to go through life and death for your best friend...dont think i need to say much about these two really. i just really enjoy all the types of love shown between these two. the intimate, selfless, selfish, emotional love that no how you interpret them as, whether platonic or romantic, is so real that theres no room for denying that the love is there. was very nice to see it unfold, and while Homura's expression of love takes a different path later on (especially in rebellion) i cant imagine disliking her or them as a pair because of everything that has preceeded them. love homumado so much you two will always be dear to me

2.) the osts

Mado Magi's OSTS are like the cherry on top to all the things so great about it. I love how haunting and beautiful the tracks sound. The mix of all the instruments, and the eerie choir in them get me all the time. I'm no musical expert so I dont know whether I seriously never tire of listening to the instrumental OSTS, Yuji Kaijura seriously ate up with the entire soundtrack. My #1 fave OST is Hikari Furu performed by Kalafina. I dont know how to describe the song in a way that justifies its beauty and significance to me Im telling you right now this song messed me up so bad when i first listened to it. Its lyrics are written like a love letter from Homura to Madoka and listening to the live performance literally made me cry, Kalafinas vocals are so perfect TT. This is a certified triple platinum song to me I really encourage everyone to give it and the whole soundtrack a listen, its good for bg music while doing work tested and proven by meeee >___0

3.) the visuals

Mado Magi's anime art style is what most would expect from a magical girl anime, bright palettes and cute designs. However, when a witch is seen, the art style completely changes and I think its what makes the viewing experience so unique and memorable. The "darker" art style and design is so beautiful to me, it's definitely what has stuck with me the most from this series. Said art is what makes up the design for this entire shrine, and all of it was done by Gekidan Inu Curry my true goats. If you havent seen Rebellion yet please do!!! They really go ham with the art there I feel like there should be an adjective higher than gorgeous to describe how much I love the art style. The art is made up of cute, colorful elements but are portrayed with a dark and eerie atmosphere, I think it perfectly fits Mado Magi. I wont expound much on this one, I think the art speaks for itself in this scenario.